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Paul Pierce_OS's Chalkboard
# 22
BIGSHAQDADDY32 @ Oct 1, 2012
I also sent you a friend request. And yes I would like to create players, missing players
# 20
TJVMagicUconn @ Sep 2, 2012
please check my forum out and see if u will help heres the link http://www.operationsports.com/forum...box-360-a.html
# 18
dj123456705 @ Sep 1, 2012
OK THANKS it understandable, but the link is not working for me? can you send another link or uploaded to 2kshare?
# 17
TJVMagicUconn @ Aug 30, 2012
if u could could replace a few nba teams with created teams for me i would be grateful i want it for use in mp
# 16
dj123456705 @ Aug 27, 2012
I don't how to delete something for your chalkboard but used the nba2k13 number file if you do it
# 14
dj123456705 @ Aug 27, 2012
My bad bro I gave you the wrong file that wasn't completed. I was so pump trying to give out my first roster to the people. I'm sorry for hounding you so much. You are the only person who is willing to help me that has the REDitor full version (unless you can get somebody else for me). This is the last time I will bother you about this 2k12 mess. Can you import the awards & staff and copy, paste the Bobcats blue jersey into this file that I'm sending you please? I just doing this until 2k13 comes out and I'm trying to get some people off your back. Here's the offline link for it. When your done with it can u upload to 2kShare asap sir? Thanks
# 10
WhoDatNation86 @ May 17, 2012
hey i read all the blogs from hokupguys arena and i did all the steps for hex edit correctly but when i tried to put on my xbox 360 it says the file is damamged or corrupted...all im trying to do is change the knicks/celtics/nets arena names....nets team name...and change a few logos from the regular nba logos to some of the generic logos
# 9
Paul Pierce_OS @ May 10, 2012
I just wanted to say thanks to Slimm44 and Twista308 excellent job guys!
# 7
Fonrolalexexnay @ Mar 27, 2012
Hey PP, couldn't get through to you via messaging because your inbox is full. Anyways I think that we should use your roster and start from there. For the players missing from the game, would you like to make a cyberface look alike for them or a cap. Would you mind if I put in some of my cyberfaced players from my roster with their real portraits?
# 4
StankonYa @ Oct 4, 2011
Have the game yet? Could you upload a Team file for 91 warriors and 02 Kings for me.
# 3
Paul Pierce_OS @ Sep 25, 2011
Who I'm Running with in Create a Legend Mode: The Truth, Kobe, D-Wade
# 1
Paul Pierce_OS @ Sep 22, 2011
Bad Lockout News: http://indiana.sbnation.com/indiana-...ed-season-next
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please my brother
click here
FIBA 2K13 Mod v1.1 (20 International Teams)
and plz edit roster by red mc full and change teams names example
nets will bacome JORDAN
No will become TUNISIA
and upload roster plz